A journal written by orang kampung.. There is a place that you will never forget.... kampung

Monday, January 14, 2008

Reason for invalid Hindraf resolution

I've found a topic which I think could be use to fight back what ever resolution came from Hindraf which claim that there is discrimination againts the indian minority here. However, before I publish out the reason, I would like the Hindraf and all people that support Hindrad claims to read newspaper, browse all company listed profile, browse the government profile. Try to count how many Indian were in top management and calculate it based on number of indian people. Do the same againts Malays. You will quite surprise that the percentage shown different from what Hindraf claims. Well.. have a look first before you making any complaints....

1. Samy vellu has hold the position for more than I can remember. How can he hold position so long?

2. The Hindraf top person was lawyer. How can he be a lawyer if there is discrimination?

3. We have MIC, PPP, PKR and even DAP as one of the main political group that fight for all right including Indian (excluding malays).

4. We have Tamil School although number of student were less than the teachers itself and all were supported by Government through Minister of Education.

5. We have more Indian temple than Mosque or surau (if calculated based on people). For example, in Serdang and its surrounding, there was more than 4 indian temple but the indian were only less than 5% overthere compare to chinese and malays.

6. Hindraf claims that there is temple being demolished by government. Didn't he know that the temple was build in private/government land that was not for them? Does he count how many surau and mosque that has been demolished by the government? It is more than he think. But Malay did not make such protest because they know what is right and what is wrong.

7. Did Hindraf know that government has located a placement for that compare to surau that was no replacement after demolished?

8. Did Hindraf count number of lawyer and the majority group? Didn't they realize that it was Indian?

9. Did Hindraf take a look on Singapore, Thailand, and other countries that have Indian as minority. Do all country do as Malaysia whereby Indian has Tamil School, has many temple, and even celebrate among the citizen their festival? Did they realize that Malaysia are the only country have all those things?

10. Did Hindraf count number of Indian in top position in big company; For Example, T. Ananda Krisna, Samy Vellu, etc. Just have a look at surrounding country, does the minority there live as like the minority here?

Well to listed out everything, it make took a long display in this blog which I won't do that.

The conclusion is, I believe, if the Hindraf do such research then there is NO complaint at all. However, they did and I believe it was just a political things plus they have secret agenda which I think those should be put under ISA because making such unacceptable claims which causes damage to our country not just on economy but almost everything.

Just invite other people that Hindraf seek help to come to Malaysia and see how better the Indian live compare to other especially India itself.

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