A journal written by orang kampung.. There is a place that you will never forget.... kampung

Friday, October 23, 2009

Malaysia Today... you can't trust them

As they author in pro-PR always mention, Berita Harian, Metro, etc is a newspaper that tell lies more than the truth. Well... What you give, you will get soon or later. What goes up, for sure will come down. The world is in a circle. Once you are at the top... You'll never know when you'll down below.

Today at Malaysia Today news... http://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/27927/37/
"The audit report noted that four loss-making companies — Inno Bio Ventures Sdn Bhd, Jaring Communications Sdn Bhd, MIMOS Bhd and Pembinaan BLT Sdn Bhd — had paid bonus of between one and three months to their employees in 2007."

I'm not sure about the others... but as far as I know since I have few members working there and still there, they said that MIMOS is not a profit making company. Purpose of MIMOS is to develop technologies that can be used by Malaysian Company and to product it to the market. MIMOS is just a R&D center with focus on growing up new technologies and hand-it over to local company to market it. As far as they know, MIMOS cannot make any profit out of it. They can only get money if the purpose is for R&D .. BUT NOT FOR PROFIT...
Yes.. of course although the are not making money, they still need to pay their researcher, engineers, etc that works here... and thus 0 money - expenditure.. of course you'll get loss. And yes they also pay bonus.. Don't the author knows that all GLC, govt, ministries, agencies, goc also pay bonus as what private companies does. That's how the treat their employees as they can only pay low salary and to maintain good research for the benefit of the countries... a month salary or two months is nothing (if you calculate based on their salary)...

I'm not sure the purpose of the writer putting that information on a blogs, but it is for sure to condemn government.... BUT does they writes know the truth? or just let the people now half-baked caked and lets peoples slam government without knowing the full story? Gods know what the writers is thinking...

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