A journal written by orang kampung.. There is a place that you will never forget.... kampung

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Super hero of Asia

Western are proud of their super heroes .. Batman, Superman, Ironman, Spiderman.... mostly are heroes from US (looks like their superheroes is not that heroic... if not world will be at peace)...

And so the Asia also come out with the list of our own super heroes.
1. Batman bin Suparman - Last located was at Indonesia going to school. Not related to US Batman or even have relation with Superman.

2. Suparman - Great-great-great super heroes as it is real than superman. Doing all sorts of things to leave. Last located was at Bali.

3. Suratman - Good at delivering letters... Better than postman

4. Super Inggo - Newly created heroes based on fake story in one of country in Asia. Just for the sake of makin children happy.

5. Pak Man Telo - Famous super heroes related to money collection and being richer.

6. Man Kidal - Malaysian super heroes that very good at playing guitar. Create a phenomenon in malaysian music.

7. Man Laksa - Another super heroes generated in Malaysia. Helping hungry people by providing delicious Laksa.

8. Cicakman - New hero that follows lizard behaviors. An enemy of US Spiderman.

9. Toman - Very good fish from malaysian river

10. Tioman - Very good island in Malaysia.

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