A journal written by orang kampung.. There is a place that you will never forget.... kampung

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Learn Math and Science in English...Please Continue

Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris (PPSMI) is a method set by Education Ministry to forced student learn the subject, science and mathematics, in english.

Lately, there a lots of NGOs and groups joint forces to fight agains this principles. The reason of going agains it was simply that more student failed in both subjects. The other reason was that this go agains our law on using Bahasa Melayu and to raise the status of Bahasa Melayu. They said that Bahasa Melayu and the Malays will soon vanished due to PPSMI.

I guest, that is the only reason they have.

Last week, on news paper, there is a story of a person from Kelantan (if I'm not mistaken) about PPSMI. He strongly want PPSMI to continue. Why? I've faced the same problem as he was. And also saw lots of malays student either drop-off from University, or extend their study's years, or change the courses during my study at one of local University. Just imaging if overhere is happening, what about students study outside malaysia (except indonesia where we speak almost same way). The reason was they can't speak english, can't read and understand english, if the can speak, they still don't really understand the meaning of what they read, they are just memorizing what they read without understand it, etc. Some of lecturers too need to give lectures in malays or convert it during Q&A.

Why? Why it happen? Simple... Everyday they use malay. At school, all subject is in malay and even the books is written in malay. But, when they goes to University, more books (majority) is in english. The problem starts. It follows them as the finish the study and goes to work. And at last end up as normal engineers or as teacher or low level management at least. They can't deal with foreigner or even high level management where english is used.

They are wrong when saying that PPSMI is killing Bahasa Melayu and the malays identity and malaysian identity. I'm a malay and still malay. I speak malays at home and at office. But when dealing with customer or different level of management or supplier, I spoke english. I had to write papers in english and read lots of articles in english. Yet my malays is still there.

I do afraid if the education minister pull off PPSMI, then the malays will no longer be able to grow stronger and build and protect their belongings. Chinese and Indian for example can speak in multiple language. What about malays if english is left out?

Don't listen to those NGOs as their reason are really baseless. Yes, lots of malays failed in science and mathematics due to PPSMI. But, I rather see failure now then in the future. At least they still have time to grow and improve. We as their parents need to provide supports. I still remember stories told us where parents that are unable to read and write encourage their children to learn so that their kids will not follow the same path as they were. Same as here, we should encourage our childs to learn english so that they won't face the same difficulties as we are when entering university and work. After all, it is only mathemathics and sciences. Lots of books that used for reference is in english.

Back to history, those american, british, etc does not learn everything in english. They had to study the arab and learn arabian language and translate it to english. By then they were enable to come out from their darkness time. This is our time to learn in english so that we are able to see a better and bright future of our next generations.

Don't worry about our english dialects. Let it be. I'm not fluent in english. Even you can see that from my writing here. However, I've seen korean, chinese, arabian, indian, and even european people that speak english worst than me. That's is why we should not afraid of english.

Beside that, there is no prove yet that english will kill bahasa melayu. If those NGOs really want PPSMI to abolished, therefore I would like to suggest them to fight with TVs and Radio too. Lots of music, movies, etc in english is shown or can be heard. We hate learn in english for ONLY 2 subjects but yet we love to listen and watch movies in english. We are just being hypocrit.

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