A journal written by orang kampung.. There is a place that you will never forget.... kampung

Friday, June 13, 2008

A reminder at Solah

Today I listen to a khutbah from khatib at one of the mosque at Sri Petaling, KL. The title is significant to current issues and situation whereby we all are facing huge problem due to weakness in US economy plus increment in oil price.

I can say much as I can remember every sentence the khatib says. However, I would like to pin point one point from numerous point brought up in the khutbah... "Don't blame others, look ourself first. Look at our sins and pray for Allah S.W.T forgiveness"

Yup, it is true that we should not blame others first. Look at ourself. Inside and outside. What have we done that create this problem? It won't be a problem by itself or by fews. There must be some mistake we did over the past. "Muhasabah" must be done. Improve ourself first before asking others. Take our own initiative in what ever we could to helps the others.

Believe me, or better Believe in Allah S.W.T, if we change to be good, we should see brighter light in the future.

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