A journal written by orang kampung.. There is a place that you will never forget.... kampung

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Integriti Amalan Kita

Integriti .... Do we have that? How good are we at keeping secret? Are we AMANAH?

None of us could answer that. Not even me. It is easy to say... but to implement and ensure that it goes on as your life goes on it is harder than you think... even harder than fighting with enemy in a battle field.... You will never know that you might say something that will cause more harm than killing one person...

There is phrase... "Your tongue is more harmful than your swords" ....

So guys ... be carefull of what you said... be carefull of what you see... your friends... your friends today may be enemy tomorrow...

But.. if you ask me, I do think that one of those person that cannot be trusted is Anwar Ibrahim and his gang. He was once a government number 2 and he knows a lot and now he used what ever knowledge he and his gang have to fight againts it. He has swore to protect the secrecy at all course and now he is the one tell everyone the secret the he and his gang know. What is the percentage of he and his gang will not telling our secret once he became a PM (if what he says come true). He will do anything to win. Can we trust this kind of people? I won't. He is once a friends but now an enemy.

I agree saying that he is now at the other side, but secret that he carries should remain where it was. What ever he now should remain in the box because he is once the member of the box. Where his INTEGRITY was? Can a person without this element became PM?

Well ... Biar putih tulang... jangan putih mata...

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